What Boiler MACT Means to an Energy Engineer

Boiler MACT is one of the first federal environmental regulations that have specifically called for conducting an energy assessment as a compliance activity. Energy assessments are nothing new; but how does integrating them into an environmental compliance activity impact the assessment process? As energy engineers, what can we learn from this new frontier? The Boiler […]

Indonesia Energy Institute

Training on energy systems and ISO 50001 culminated this past year with the establishment of the Indonesia Energy Institute, the largest pool of qualified specialists, energy managers and energy auditors in Indonesia. Under the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) program, Riyaz Papar, Hudson Technologies, provided the training on steam systems and assessments, in preparation […]

New- Tech Briefs

You won’t want to miss our “Tech Briefs” on energy systems optimization. The first Brief on “Calculated Part Load Value” (CPLV) explains why CPLV is critical to identifying inefficiencies and quantifying the lost opportunity cost in your current chiller system operations. Learn more…

SmartEnergy OPS®

Hudson’s Global Energy Services (GES) has a lot going on. We’ve launched our flagship product, SmartEnergy OPS® for chiller plant systems, which brings together Best Practices in chiller system Operations, Performance and Service into one package, enabling you to cut operating costs on one of your biggest energy spends. Learn more…