Kevin J. Zugibe
It is with a heavy heart we share with you that Kevin J. Zugibe our founder, CEO and Chairman of the Board passed away unexpectedly on June 23. As a company we mourn the loss of our leader and today, June 29, 2020 Hudson Technologies will be closed as a small gesture in Kevin’s memory, and mark of our respects, as Kevin is laid to rest.
If you have any emergency need today, June 29, please email information@hudsontech.com and we will endeavor to provide you with support. We will reopen for business as normal on Tuesday June 30.
Should you wish to make a donation in Kevin’s memory please visit www.tischms.org/donate to make an online donation. Please select “I would like to dedicate this donation to someone” and include Kevin J. Zugibe’s name.
You may also send a check to:
Tisch MS Research Center of New York
Attn: Development
521 West 57th Street, 4th Floor
New York, NY 10019
Include on your check the donation is in memory of Kevin J. Zugibe.
Kate Houghton says:
It is difficult to believe that Kevin is gone. He shined so bright and was such a powerful force in the world that it simply cannot be true that he is gone. I will forever be grateful to have known Kevin, for his leadership, guidance, mentorship and most importantly his friendship. His impish grin, his way of saying Hello (if you heard it you know exactly what I mean) always made me smile. Kevin was simply the best of the best, the likes of which the world will never see again. My deepest sympathies to his family and his Hudson family, may you find some peace and comfort knowing that Kevin left us all better people simply by knowing him
Amanda Ziemnisky says:
So sorry for your loss. Kevin was a bright light and will be dearly missed by so many. Continued prayers to all❤️
Dave Watson says:
To say Kevin was an inspiration to me is an understatement. I was fresh out of college when a company called Hudson Technologies took a chance on me to analyze samples at their facility in Ft. Lauderdale, FL. From the first time I met Kevin in the mid ’90’s until now, I strived to perform at a level that would please him. He taught me so much about the refrigerant industry and I owe a lot of where I am today to him. In retrospect, my working relationship with Kevin was built on an unending game of how can we remove contaminant “X” from refrigerant “Y”. We were excellent teammates in this game. I will truly miss learning from and collaborating with him.
As my emotions this week transitioned from shock to sadness, I became inundated with memories of time spent with Kevin through the years. I am grateful for the time I shared with him, everything he taught me and his kind, generous heart.
Wishing peace to his family and all who mourn his loss. Rest in peace Kevin!
Robert A. Stoody says:
Kevin truly walked among giants, in fact, he would always explain that he was 6’6″ before Hudson became a publicly traded company. I hold close Kevin’s friendship, wisdom, and encouragement. En route to a business meeting, Kev called me to offer some support, his exact words were “Don’t F it up.” Kev already knew we were going to do great and was reminding us to get out of our own way. Above all else, Kevin valued people and integrity. We honor Kevin by continuing to live and echo these same values.
Jason Warfel says:
Simply put, I’ve never been more inspired by one individual in my professional career. In the early days of Hudson Kevin would physically come work service jobs with us, turning wrenches, running hoses, or anything to get the job done. He taught me so much through his engineering and business wisdom, never looking down on me for asking questions, and probably never realizing the impact that he had. My drive to succeed has been a reflection of what I thought Kevin would have wanted, he had a natural way of getting through and making that sort of impact on everyone. Rest in peace Kevin, for you will be truly missed.
Nat Krishnamurti says:
Kevin was a dynamic leader, nothing was beneath him. What CEO do you know would empty and hoist a new water container without asking someone else? That’s our guy! We both had common tastes, including being fans of the Pittsburgh Steelers. He knew how to lighten up a room, get to the point and simplify important matters when needed. Kevin, you will be sorely missed, but you will live on forever in our hearts. We hope we can do you proud, my friend!
Riyaz Papar says:
Kevin – where do I begin – should I go back 20 years ago to that small restaurant in Houston where we met for the first time, or should I reminisce about the chillers that we went to inspect 10,000 ft below in a gold mine in South Africa, or the ones in The Venetian in Las Vegas, or the ones in Empire State Building or the umpteen General Motors plants! The list goes on and on and sure you always had the upper hand whether it was admiring architectural marvels on the streets of Rome or ordering garlic naan and chicken tikka masala to wash it down with a Kingfisher at an Indian restaurant! Now who’s going to embarrass me in front of women and who’s going to tease me at every dinner about my seafood allergy!
Kevin’s knowledge, engineering acumen, passion and energy was a magnet and such a strong force that I couldn’t resist. I was so fortunate and blessed that I got to spend a significant portion of my life knowing and working with Kevin. Not once in all those years did he ever make me feel that he was my boss and his outlook to life – always cheerful with his sheepish grins – was just outright contagious. Little did he ever let me know what he was going through on the inside. He was a fighter and he fought hard and he fought all the way till the end.
So my dear elder brother, whenever you look down from heaven on me, don’t ever hesitate to do what you always did best….. I am going to miss you dearly and nothing and no one will ever fill the void that you have left in my life. Nevertheless, your vision will always be the guiding beacon for me and I hope I will be able to live up to all the expectations that you would have had of me. Rest in Peace. Amen.
Marla Waggoner says:
Kevin was a special person to say the least with a great sense of humor. Besides being a very intelligent Engineer & Businessman, he had special way with people that is rare. Kevin built Hudson professionally and treated everyone like family since the beginning. That practice carried on through the years and ranks of other Executives as well as employees (Hudson Family). He would address every memo to my Hudson Family. That is a unique quality that do not see these days. We would joke around like family at times but always knew when to be serious. He never acted like an Executive/Founder/CEO. He treated everyone equally and like family.
My fondest memory is when he was flying in to work with me. I would pick him at airport. He would say I am here such and such spot. I drove directly to him got out, opened the trunk for his light luggage, he would be standing next me, and I would say I still cannot see you. He would say look down. I am standing right here. Then he would hug me tight and say Hello – how are you? Kevin and I would do that every time. It became our thing.
Around Christmas last year I lost my husband of nearly 30 years. He called several times to check on me. He told that the service was on the day of their board meeting. He said I tried to reschedule the board meeting to be there for you, but I did not happen. What CEO does that?
I have hole in my heart and miss him so much. God Bless the Zugibe and Hudson Family. Rest in Peace my friend.
Vincent Abbatecola says:
Kevin Zugibe – an inspiring leader, a true friend and gentleman by every measure.
Kevin’s memory will be a lasting treasure.
Neil James says:
Kevin was truly an amazing soul to all professionally and personally in the short time he was with us. I couldn’t be more thankful for the opportunities he allowed myself and others and the knowledge he shared with everyone.
In the 20/years I’ve known and worked with Kevin there are multiple highlights that words could never due justice as if Kevin himself was telling the stories in that Kevin way, “I just cannot believe this or you’re just not going to believe this…..”
One of the highlights was on a project on the USS John C Stennis; we were in the Freightliner and their was only two seats and to obtain access everyone needed to be in a seatbelt, Kevin was the 3rd wheel and it was ‘my’ Freightliner (really Kevin’s), we tossed Kevin in the back and he sat atop a pallet of dirty refrigerant hoses, after three checkpoints I had smuggled Kevin into the hanger bay on the aircraft carrier. We stopped the truck and he got out and said, “how’d you get away with driving the truck onto the ship” in one of my famous lines I told Kevin, “This is how we do it in Seattle, stick with me and you’ll go places”. Later that day or week, I ‘let’ Kevin and Joe take ‘my’ Freightliner to dinner to learn the next morning the ‘boys’ took out the guide wire to the power pole at the Italian restaurant trying to parallel park the truck.
Kevin always had a great sense of humor and would mess with people and it was difficult to tell if he was being serious or not. Another example was while I was on a project at Stanford University, I was illegally driving aforementioned Freightliner on city streets in Palo Alto California and I received a call from Kevin stating someone called about a crazy driver that almost hit them in a crosswalk. It was a joke but someone who knew Kevin saw the truck and decided to call him to say hi, it scared the hell out of me.
Kevin was never one to throw his weight or status around, one time I saw it, after a long day on a project having some beverages I was cut off by the bartender, Kevin, “I just cannot believe this” he was able to get the tab opened back up. The following morning I had to go back to recover my credit card so just maybe the bartender was correct. Kevin made sure we worked hard, along with working hard too, and we all played just as hard.
Kevin made sure ethics and safety were always number one, while on a project in San Diego, Kevin didn’t have a land-yard for his badge, I provided him a dirty o-ring and he wore it with pride around his neck for his badge. While tearing down the project and zip tying hoses Kevin made sure we snipped the excess of the zip tie off to prevent an eye injury. Once we made it upstairs on the ship to go down the stair tower to the truck (15/mins packing 100’ hoses) Kevin was bleeding from a nasty slice in his neck, the sharp cut zip ties almost took him out. We had a great laughs about it.
Kevin never complained about his personal ailments, nor did he ever say anything negative about anyone even if you could tell he wasn’t happy. Kevin’s inspiration, pride, drive, and determination definitely made me become a better person and I’m truly thankful to Kevin for that.
As I’m deeply saddened and in disbelief to be referring to Kevin in the past, I wish only the best moving forward for Kevin’s family, friends and colleagues and I’m sending my love and prayers to all that have been effected by the tragic loss of Kevin. We will continue to make you proud and have you in the precious memories you left in our hearts. Much love Kevin Rest In Peace.
Joe Longo says:
I can remember first meeting Kevin in the Summer of ’84 at O & R Utilities in Haverstraw to study the ventilation system in the ladies’ locker room to determine how it could be improved. (I won’t go any further with that story.) At that time, I really didn’t know Kevin, but it didn’t take much longer after that, when we worked together on a few more projects, for me to realize what kind of Engineer and person he was. His positive attitude and optimism were so inspiring that we became very close, not just in our business relationship, but also as friends. We would confide in each other on a number of things beside work. He was my mentor, my guiding light, and my Engineer. He was the Engineer’s Engineer! When he asked me to head up the Engineering Department in ’94, I was so honored to become part of the Hudson family.
He was driven to succeed at everything he set his mind to with such a passion that you couldn’t imagine. And right after succeeding it, he then would instantly jump onto the next endeavor, only to succeed again. He touched the lives of everyone he met with his genuine goodness and understanding.
Kevin had such a jovial nature. He would always kid around and would be so quick to respond. One of his favorite responses that I will never forget is every time we would come up with a successful idea, Kevin would say “I’m glad I thought of it”. I trust that everyone in our Hudson family will follow Kevin’s ideals that he so frequently showered us with.
Kevin, I’ll forever miss you my brother.
Mary Gorman says:
Kevin had the best smile and brightest twinkle in his eyes. I am very blessed to have worked for such a great , honest, integrity filled man. He truly cared about his employees. I remember after we acquired Polar Technologies and there were some growing pains, Kevin met individually with everyone in the Pearl River office to see how he could help. He said to me if it was a chiller that had a problem Id get in and get my hands dirty but accounting isn’t my specialty and I feel helpless. What CEO does that? We will continue to do our best and strive for perfection in Kevin’s honor. There is a big hole in my heart. Kevin, May your soul rest in peace. Amen.
Manny Corral says:
I got to know Kevin from flushing refrigeration systems on the Navy ships.
I’d like to say I was his guinea pig… We did his first flush on a ship together…what an experience that was.
We have flushed many a systems since then.
We had a lot of laughs together…!
Rest in peace my friend, you will be truly missed…
Manny Corral
Star Baccari-Desiderio says:
My sincere condolences to the Zugibe Family. Kevin was such an amazing man, proven by the many lives he touched in his own, far too short, life. Enthusiasms spilled out of him and was infectious to others around him. He not only had a passion for business, especially his beloved Hudson Technologies, but he had a passion for people. He wanted to know what made you tick and he wanted to learn from it. People like Kevin cross your path once in life, if you’re lucky. I was, and I know I am a better person for knowing him. I will miss him forever.
Senthil Kumar says:
I can’t believe that he is no more. I still keep staring at Brian’s email in shock. Kevin was one of those leaders with both technical and business acumen. He was a down to earth person with a charismatic smile and a great sense of humor.
I remember when I first saw him for my interview with Hudson almost 10 years back, he came to me by extending his hand and said “Hi! I am Kevin and I am the CEO!”. I was terrified to being interviewed by a CEO, especially coming fresh out of college but, he had an aura about him that made me feel instantly comfortable. He took me for lunch, and I was bragging about New England Patriots football team without knowing that he hated them 😊. I thought that was it but, here I am, writing a tribute to him.
As time went by, I began to know him better and what he values the most: the people. To him, we were like his family. He clearly makes known that everyone plays an important role. “Don’t work for me. Work with me” was is his leadership style – he truly was one of a kind.
Kevin – You were truly an inspiration for all of us. You will be missed dearly but, will forever live in our hearts. Rest in peace!!!
Blanca Castillo Garcia says:
I am honored and blessed to have known Kevin. His unique qualities touch everyone’s heart. I will miss the presence of the truly lovable and kind person he was. I will always remember his kind and comforting words. He will be gone from our sight but never from our hearts. Rest in peace Kevin.
Jay Kestenbaum says:
It was a special honor to have known Kevin for almost 30 years from the time he started Hudson Technologies and especially from the early days doing some great business together, and through the acquisition of our company 2 1/2 years ago.
There are few in our industry that I would consider a true friend and despite some tough competitive situations and battles we maintained a mutual respect that was unusual in the refrigerant market.
His keen sense, sweet personality, brilliant vision, honesty and trustworthiness placed him in a unique position in our industry.
Kevin developed the best and most advanced recovery and reclamation business with his Zugibeast leading all others in an industry dominated in the past by companies much larger and better equipped to tackle the environmental challenges.
Despite all the pressures, obstacles and extra hardships of running a public company in an ever changing industry, he maintained his kind demeanor, sense of humor and true love of people and could always be considered “just a great guy”.
I will miss him, miss his friendship, camaraderie, guidance and great sense of humor.
May his soul be blessed.
Gabe Marra says:
Kevin, it was through our dear friend and mentor to us both that our life paths crossed, namely Walter Lesko, and for that I am forever grateful. God bless.
Jose Chavez says:
My deepest condolences to the zugibe family for their loss. I did not have the pleasure of meeting kevin. Through his company he gave me the best start to a career in hvac&r back in 2001 when I was coming out of trade school. By working around the biggest commercial and industrial chillers in the industry I was able to gain a broad knowledge of refrigeration and refrigerant side technology early in my career in the refrigeration industry. I will always be indebted to him for the opportunity.
Rest in peace. Kevin.
Cynthia Duffina says:
I feel honored that I was able to know Kevin, and send my deepest sympathies to the Zugibe Family. Kevin was a truly genuine person, and he will be deeply missed by many.
Rest In Peace, Kevin
Karen Prince says:
Words cannot express the sadness I feel for Kevin. I have been truly blessed to have worked for one of the best human beings God created. Kevin was the most loving, caring and compassionate person I have ever met. Kevin treated every one of his employees with love and respect. He will surely be missed.
2 Timothy 4:7, “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith.”
RIP Kev.
Brian Coleman says:
Kevin is my north and my south, my best friend. I LOVED to tease Kevin and make him laugh. I used to make up whopper’s of a story and once in awhile I would catch him. Kevin would shake his head and say “you crack me up”. I want all of you to know that if you spoke to Kevin, he listened. He truly cared. He would tell me to keep an eye on someone and give them a lending hand if they needed it. Each of us were also brother’s and sister’s to Kevin. Please keep Maura in your prayers.
God bless you Kevin and may you rest in peace.
Jessica Bridge says:
I feel honored to have known Kevin. He was the down to earth type and always had a smile on his face. I personally do not have stories to share about Kevin but over the years of hearing stories from him and others you can tell how full of life he was, that he was a jokester and that he worked hard to play hard.
What I do know is no matter what position you had within the company he treated you like family. He always reminded everyone how important, how valuable and appreciative he was that you were part of this Hudson family he created.
In most companies when you hear the CEO is stopping by you may get that nervous feeling, not with Kevin. He would walk in and great you with a smile, he would always make sure to say hello and goodbye to everyone in the office. Kevin will truly be missed by many and my heart goes out to his family.
Rest in peace Kevin
Sylvia Sutton says:
Just over 2 short years ago I was fortunate to start working for Kevin and he genuinely made me feel a welcomed part of his team. I am grateful to have known Kevin and I am deeply saddened by his sudden passing.
It is my hope that all who were a part of Kevin’s life will find comfort and peace through the cherished memories they carry with them.
Anna says:
Eternal rest grant unto him O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon him. May Kevin rest in peace. Amen
Angelo Piazza says:
The present of Kevin has elevated all parts of our lives. He will be deeply missed. Kevin gave a positive spirt to all people around him . He was the coolest.
Chuck Harkins says:
We first met in 1995, our small company was being acquired by Hudson Technologies and Kevin came to tour my Reclamation Plant in Charlotte, NC. That first day together our personalities clicked and began an amazing 25 years with a man who, along with Brian Coleman, would become my closest friend, confidant and brother.
In the early days of our relationship Kevin gave me career opportunities within Hudson that I may not have had elsewhere. He pushed me to be better and challenged me to “think out of the box”, he helped me sharpen my technical abilities and business acumen, I learned a great deal from him. Some of my favorite times working with Kevin were collaborating on projects or problems, these meetings would normally start with him saying “hey Chucker, I want to run something by you, got a minute“? Rarely did those meetings last a minute as we would fill up the dry erase board with anything and everything, no idea was off of the table for discussion, we also had plenty of laughs during these sessions, we always had laughter. I’ve had an amazing career with Hudson and I owe a huge debt of gratitude to Kevin for believing in me.
Although my relationship with Kevin started with work and our work was a common denominator, our friendship and bond grew over the years There are countless stories from our many trips and adventures spanning the years, whether it was a business trip to Italy , Germany, the UK, or here in the US, we always came back laughing about some mishap or an epic practical joke. Kevin had the best sense of humor of anyone I’ve ever known, he loved practical jokes whether he played it on you or you played one on him, with him there was always laughter. I’m convinced he knew every line of every episode of Seinfeld, no matter the situation we were in Kevin always had a Seinfeld line to crack you up with laughter. I already miss him more than I can bear. I’ll miss our lunches, dinners, going out for a few beers (Blue Moon), phone conversations, texts, getting punched in the arm, jokes…. everything, all of it.
We were business partners, friends, and true brothers for 25 years. I am devastated. Brilliant, hilarious, caring, generous, loyal and loving, barely begin to describe this incredible man. It has been a privilege and a blessing to have had him in my life. It’s hard to imagine life without him in it. My love and prayers to Maura and the entire Zugibe family.
I love you, bud.
Sherry Harkins says:
Some people are destined to leave this world better than they found it. There is no doubt in my mind that Kevin was one of those people. His many professional accomplishments and accolades are undeniable. He was a charismatic leader and a true visionary. He was also a remarkable person. Kevin was kind, generous and full of warmth. He was a bright light to all who knew him. I will miss his quick witted sense of humor. I will miss his smile. To his beautiful wife Maura and the entire Zugibe family all of my thoughts and prayers are with you.
Melody Marra says:
First, I want to send my deepest condolences to Kevin’s family, friends, and his Hudson family. I was so saddened and shocked to hear of Kevin’s passing. I had the pleasure of working at Hudson for a few years and it was a wonderful experience. The memories of Hudson will forever be cherished. Top among those were Kevin’s great smile, sense of humor, and his roll up your sleeves mentality. While dedicated to his business, he would never hesitate to take a minute and laugh with us. Kevin will be greatly missed. I will hold close the time spent working with him and and the incredible group of people that surrounded him at Hudson. My heart goes out to you all during this time.
Monica Castro says:
Firstly, My sincere condolences to the Zugibe family.
Kevin’s favorite word was “Hellou” but in a such friendly and funny way!! i will always remember that. In my almost 5 years working for Hudson Technologies, from the very first time i met him, he was always friendly, funny, always teasing us , well, we all know his favorite ones- Steve and Brian of course, “The Dynamic Trio” i would call them! …No one like Kevin. I am sure he will come every morning from heaven for his cup of coffee!. Ooh.. he loves his coffee! I feel blessed and grateful he has been part of my life for almost 5 years! I will never forget you…our dear Kevin.
Latonya Bassia says:
I would like to offer my sincere condolences to the Zugibe Family. Kevin was a true, upright, and honest man. I say this because I knew I could trust him when I first met him…that speaks volumes because we all know it takes time to get to know someone. Right off, I knew it wasn’t always just about business with Kevin…it was more. It was about relationship, family, friends, laughter, etc. He always kept the same spirit, always humble, and willing to listen. Kevin was a good man. His upright character and strong leadership will never perish, that ‘s why Kevin feels so alive in us today. He’ll surely be missed. My prayer is that God will give you strength, comfort,. peace, and understanding in your time of need. We love you Kevin!
Donna Vaccaro says:
Kevin will be greatly missed but his warmth,kindness and gentle spirit will be remembered forever. My deepest sympathies to his family and the Hudson family
Debbie (Marshall) Evans says:
To hear of Kevin’s passing was devastating. I had the pleasure of working at night, part time, for Hudson for 10 years. I was dubbed night time Deb, shortly after being hired, and of course we had many laughs over that.
Kevin was an extraordinary human being. He treated us all the same, no matter our title. We were his Hudson family. He truly cared for each and every one of us. I have a lifetime of memories of my days working with him. I will forever remember his smile, his laugh, his eyes, and his hello. Rest In Peace Kevin. Heaven truly received the best of the best.
Margaret Losquadro says:
It was my greatest pleasure to have worked for Kevin for over 20 years. Kevin was a wonderful warm caring person. He treated everyone with the utmost respect whether that person was someone in authority or someone working below him. I remember one time he told me he had gone out to dinner with someone and he said he was so embarrassed. This person had sent back the food since it was not cooked the way he liked it. Kevin said he would never think of complaining about how his food was cooked. When the waitress would ask if he was happy with his meal, he would smile and thank her for his dish. Yes, that was Kevin, always respectful and caring about others and their feelings.
He was the perfect role model and such an inspiration to all of us at Hudson.
Rest in peace Kevin. You will be greatly missed by so many people.
Kristel Gates says:
While I only had the pleasure of knowing Kevin for a few years it was clear from the beginning that he was one of the driving forces behind the awesome family atmosphere we find at Hudson. He definitely made you feel welcome and part of the team from the word go, and I can not express how much I personally appreciate that. My deepest sympathy to the family, and while words can only fill your head I hope your hearts are full of the strength and kindness that Kevin had for all. From our hearts to the gates of heaven may you rest in peace.
Jim Buscemi says:
A “Gentleman and a Scholar” never described anyone better than Kevin. Kevin inspired everyone around him to be the best that they could be. His incredible smile, sense of humor, and enthusiasm, was infectious and always made you feel better than you did before any interaction with him. Whenever the “Hudson Family” ever got together for any reason the 1st words from Kevin were always, “Thank You to all the Hudson employees for everything you do to make our Company a success“. No matter what was going on, Kevin always had time to show his concern and appreciation for everyone in the Company as well as their families. Kevin, you will be truly missed by all of us, but you will forever live in our hearts and minds. It has truly been a pleasure and an honor to have had Kevin in my life. My thoughts and prayers go out To Kevin’s Mom, and to Maura and the entire Zugibe Family, Rest In Peace Kevin, knowing that you left every life you ever touched the better for knowing you. God Bless.
Thais Kwiatkowski says:
Kevin was always so nice and friendly to me. Greetings from him in the office always came with a warm smile and a kind word. Please accept my sincere condolences and know that I am praying for peace and comfort for the family and friends during this difficult time. Rest in Peace Kevin.
W H Auden says:
Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone,
Prevent the dog from barking with a juicy bone,
Silence the pianos and with muffled drum
Bring out the coffin, let the mourners come.
Let aeroplanes circle moaning overhead
Scribbling on the sky the message He Is Dead,
Put crepe bows round the white necks of the public doves,
Let the traffic policemen wear black cotton gloves.
He was my North, my South, my East and West,
My working week and my Sunday rest,
My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song;
I thought that love would last for ever: I was wrong.
Ryan Maupin says:
I am still shocked at this news, but have been inspired by the love and outreach I have seen from Kevin’s friends, family and co-workers these past few days. As I got to know Kevin over the past several months, I couldn’t help but notice how incredibly smart he was. I remember a recent conversation with Kevin as he was explaining in amazing detail his theory on cleaning gas for a particular client and how it could be done safely and efficiently. I was just blown away with how his mind worked around the problem. Not only did he have a fascinating scientific mind, he was a true entrepreneur, inspired people on his team and his team loved him. Truly loved him. Of all the characteristics I grew to admire about Kevin – I’ll actually remember this characteristic and this fact about Kevin the most – that he was a genuinely kind human being and that people are so very heart broken that they won’t see Kevin’s face at the Hudson office anymore or talk to him on the phone. Me included. Rest In Peace, Kevin. I was so very lucky that our paths crossed and I was able to spend time with you – however short that time was. I know your team will keep your legacy alive.
Arthur R. Mika, PE. says:
I was very saddened when I got the message that we lost Kevin. He was one of the very finest friends I ever had. I can never thank him enough for all the knowledge I acquired while being a part of assisting him in starting up Hudson Technologies. Everything from the flying lessons, to the flying trips to all the Chemical Plants in Louisiana & East Texas, to all the adventures we had building all those stainless machines along with the projects on all the Navy Basis around the country. Especially that one weekend when we were stuck at Norfolk Naval Station and actually attended Sunday Mass in the Chapel on the Aircraft Carrier Dwight D. Eisenhauer. I wouldn’t trade the time spent with Kevin for anything ever. But I can see him now up there above the clouds having a cool one with Walt Lesko.
Arthur R. Mika, PE.
June 30, 2020 | Dripping Springs, TX
Fred Hansen says:
My condolences to all. Kevin always wore a smile and had kind words. Kevin provided so much for many.
Kevin please rest in peace as your time here was enjoyed and cherished by all who knew you.
Fred Hansen
Jim Tosti says:
Kevin was a very compassionate man who was taken from us all too soon.
My sincere condolences to Maura and the entire Zugibe family.